Dear Customers:
We love you. I mean, that shouldn’t be a surprise, right? Without you, there is no us. And not to toot our own horn, but we’re pretty cool and we like existing.
Because we love you, we always want to make sure that you’re well taken care of. That’s why we’ve assembled what we’re pretty sure is the finest team of customer service professionals in all the land. And since this is Customer Service Week, it seems like a good time to throw the spotlight on these fine folks who make your KegWorks shopping experience as seamless as possible. Without further ado, I present to you, the KegWorks Customer Care Team!
Mark “Noodles” Crehan
Mark joined us in November 2011, and he still kind of smells like Thanksgiving. He’s a great team player and is passionate about making sure that our customers are satisfied with their order. Noodles often greets his customers by saying “Good morning. Thank you for calling KegWorks,” even if it’s deep into the afternoon. Noodles, we salute you.
Justin “Dave Jr.” Frost
Justin is a Senior Customer Care Representative and the team’s resident home brewing expert. He’s always happy to help answer any questions you might have about any of our products, so go ahead and give him a call. Justin has also forgotten more about beer than most people will ever know. Luckily, he hasn’t forgotten how to be handsome. Dave Jr., we salute you.
Darren “Derrick” Hoffmaster
Darren came to KegWorks in September 2012. He’s made it his personal mission to improve his product knowledge every day so that there is no question or situation he can’t handle. Darren was recently given KegWorks’ inaugural “Employee of the Month” award, and luckily for all of us, he cried only a few tears of joy. Derrick, we salute you.
Kevin “Sexy Kevy” McMahon
Kevin is the newest member of the team, but that doesn’t stop him from kicking butt. He treats each customer call as a unique puzzle, and he doesn’t rest until he figures out the best solution. One day Kevin showed up to work with the world’s wispiest mustache and insisted we call him Sexy Kevy. We said, “Ok.” Sexy Kevy, we salute you.
William “Thrilliam” Curry
William is the head honcho in the Customer Care department. He’s in charge of making sure that things run smoothly, and that our customers feel universally appreciated and assisted. He’s also in charge of staring longingly into the refrigerator and hoping that something tasty for him to eat has somehow appeared out of thin air. Thrilliam, we salute you. (Also, he’s on vacation this week, so we don’t have a picture of him.)
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