I know, I know.... I'm constantly touting Guinness as my brew of choice, and normally, I choose not to add anything to a pint of the good stuff. Not Bass, not Harp Lager; no black and tans for me. I'm no stranger to the Car Bomb, of course, but usually only for drunken St. Patty's celebrations.
All that aside, I am bold enough to give most things at least a shot. Being a huge fan of the root beer float - actually, anything ice cream related, for that matter - I wondered how my favorite brew would mix with a scoop of vanilla. I already knew that Guinness makes fantastic chocolate cupcakes - moist, not too sweet, with a hint of stout - but what about a Guinness Ice Cream Float?
Let me tell you, I enjoyed every sip and every bite of Guinness-soaked ice cream. Yum!
Next time you have a sweet tooth, plop a good-sized scoop of ice cream into your pint glass (I used vanilla, but I'm sure chocolate or Irish cream would suffice as well) and fill to the top with Guinness. The sweetness of the ice cream mingling with the slightly bitter, smooth Irish stout is an experience in itself.
Not looking to mix dessert in with your beer? That's understandable, for sure. How about a sweet liquor-Guinness concoction instead? Last Sunday, while watching football at my favorite bar, Fritz (supremo bartender, great friend and, well, we won't get into all that here) poured each of us a new bomb shot he'd recently developed, which he dubbs "The B*tch Bomb" - a sweeter, more female-friendly version of the Irish Car Bomb, for women who, unlike me, prefer candy coated concoctions to a real drink.
Like I said before, I am bold enough to try new things, so I gave it a shot - literally - and, although I wouldn't order one myself, can completely understand why some people would... especially those who have a love for Strawberry Quik (remember that from when you were a kid?). Here's the recipe, so you can try it out sometime too... if you dare.
The B*tch Bomb
½ pint of Guinness
1 shot Tequila Rose
Pour Guinness into a glass. Pour a shot of Tequila Rose. Drop the shot glass into the Guinness and chug like your life depends on it (you'll have to if you hate the overly-sweet, bubblegum pink, thick strawberry flavor of Tequila Rose, like I do).
In all honesty, it was better than I thought it would be - I'm that much opposed to Tequila Rose - but, again, I wouldn't order it myself. I know a number of women and men who would though... so cheers to Fritz for his innovation.
And cheers to Guinness, sweet nectar of life.
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